
Do your Vitality Test

Nicholas Haines, creator of the Vitality Test and international practitioner in Chinese energetics

Nicholas Haines, creator of the Vitality Test and international practitioner in Chinese energetics

The Vitality Test helps you to understand yourself better and how you can enhance your relationships with others. It also shows you how your natural attributes contribute towards your professional success.

Click here to get free access to the Vitality Test where you will learn about your best ways of achieving results. A Vitality Test Report will be emailed to you. It describes your Five Energy Dynamics Profile and explains which elements of your Flow Canvas plan you will naturally find easy, and which you may have to rely more on the guidance from the Flow Canvas tool.

The report emailed to you after completing the online test will not only help you to better understand what it is that makes you feel energised and alive; it may also help you with understanding “blockages” keeping you back and it may explain why you keep finding some aspects of your work life more challenging. And most importantly, it offers you ideas on achieving better and better results, based on insights about your natural way.

In the context of planning and using the Flow Canvas as your planning tool, you will also find understanding Five Energy Dynamics hugely beneficial since the building blocks of the Flow Canvas is exactly the same as the principles underpinning the Vitality Test.

You may use the Vitality Test along with the Flow Canvas to achieve impact in your work, experience ongoing flow, live your life purpose and leave a legacy.

Click here to get free access to the Vitality Test!

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