
Tag Archives | joy

Teach Your Brain To Be Happy

It’s amazing that the degree of fulfilment and joy we experience – including in our work and productive tasks – is wholly determined by the way our brains are wired. And what’s more amazing is that we can improve these experiences by changing this wiring! While there isn’t a foolproof prescription for making yourself a […]

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Do what you love

The first “innovation secret” used by Steve Jobs is to “DO WHAT YOU LOVE”. Carmine Gallo lists 7 principles in his book “The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs“. They are: 1. Do what you love 2. Put a dent in the universe – have a big vision 3. Kick-start your brain – use creativity and […]

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Get Things Done With Task Lists

Here is another BizTip for the entrepreneurs who find it difficult to get everything done within the working day:  “Get things done by using task lists! Christoff Oosthuysen is the resident business coach on Randall Abrahams’ weekly radio show, Point of View. Here is another of the weekly BizTips [display_podcast] You might perhaps be one […]

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Increase productivity by being happy

“The single most efficient way to increase your productivity is to be happy at work.” – Alexander Kjerulf Kjerulf also says: – Your productivity will vary wildly from day to day. – Working more hours means getting less done. – Working harder means getting less done. – Procrastination can be good for you. – And […]

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Enjoy What You Are Doing

The first of Richard Branson’s Five Secrets to Business Success is “Enjoy What You Are Doing”. He says that because you spend a huge amount of time on hard work, it’s best that you enjoy it. When he started Virgin he just wanted to do something he enjoyed, which would also “pay the bills”. He […]

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Master yourself!

Christoff Oosthuysen is the resident business coach on Randall Abrahams’ weekly radio show, Point of View. Here is another of the weekly BizTips… Today’s BizTip is for entrepreneurs who understand that the success of their businesses start with themselves, how they organise their lives and the way they maintain their relationships. The tip is: “Master […]

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