I just completed one of our regular Flow Canvas Practitioner Circle Meet-ups and must share with you the great combined insights from the discussion on what we can do to be more effective in getting tasks done, even if they seem mundane. 1 – Make a list, and tick off when done. 2 – Start […]
Tag Archives | flow
Get Into Your Flow By Building On Your Strengths
I’m asking myself how I can start doing more of what I’m good at and stop doing all the other stuff I feel I need to do… I get into my flow when I do what I love doing and what I know I do well; and when I try doing what “has to get […]
The 4 Key Concepts You Need To Know To Attract More New Customers
Customers are the lifeblood of business: without customers to buy your products or services, you wouldn’t even have a business to begin with. What can you do to consistently attract the right customers? Before I answer that question, remember every business is going to do their best to attract new customers, but growth can only […]
Does passion lead to burn-out?
To have passion for what you do is good for business! Or is it? Recent psychological research suggests that some forms of passion may be detrimental, writes Scott Barry Kaufman of New York University in a Harvard Business Review article. He refers to two “flavours” of passion: harmonious and obsessive, and how it relates to […]
Who are you, Christoff Oosthuysen?
How do you reply when asked: “Who are you?” Christoff Oosthuysen’s coach, Martin Jimmink, uses the model of the “Identity Iceberg” to help his clients in answering this question for themselves. Listen to Martin’s 10 minute interview with Christoff on applying the Identify Iceberg to Christoff as Business Improver and Flow Coach… Christoff Oosthuysen interviewed […]
Stuck In Holiday Traffic – Learning About Constraints
“In the Western Cape, thousands of vehicles were being recorded on the N1… Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said traffic was bumper to bumper on Sir Lowry’s Pass and added that they expected traffic volumes to increase later.” – Eye Witness News And there we were, along with thousands of other holiday makers, heading towards […]
Switch off your inbox to get things done & increase productivity
Imagine getting five important tasks done every day, instead of just your usual four! Well, you can achieve this incredible increase in productivity by taking just one simple step — switch off your message-reminders! You can get into your flow and increase your productivity with 17% by removing distractions such as new inbox alerts on […]
Improved performance lasts through ‘self-coaching’
I’ve long believed that managers and business coaches can learn a lot from the approaches adopted by their counterparts in sporting codes. And this week I was reminded about it again! As a recent Ajax Cape Town convert, I got to watch Foppe de Haan’s approach to managing and coaching his team. He is said […]
Attention Management Tip For Productivity
“Focus your undivided attention on a task during an uninterrupted block of time.” This is today’s “attention management” tip for productivity in your work, from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, as explained in his book Good Business – Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning. On average it takes you between 15 minutes and an hour to complete […]
Meaningful Work Is Productive Work
I’m not sure if it is just my selection of reading material, but recently I noticed that just about every entrepreneurial blog post or business book I read includes reference to the benefits to clarify the purpose of your business and how you can get your team to perform better by showing how their work […]