
Enjoy the journey, not only the destination

Christoff Oosthuysen is the resident business coach on Randall  Abrahams’ weekly radio show, Point of View.

Here is another of the weekly BizTips…

Enjoy-the-journeyToday’s BizTip is for entrepreneurs and business owners who are driven to achieve their goals, but have lost most of the fun they have while working towards getting there.

The tip is: Enjoy the journey, not only the destination!

Most entrepreneurs are goal-oriented. They are driven to get most out of themselves and their teams. They are impatient to see the results and achieve their goals. And this is good, because it is working towards these goals that helps them keep direction and succeed with what they do!

But, how often does it not happen that the focus on goals undermines an appreciation of what happens while working towards these goals.

If you are fixated on reaching the destination, you may forget that you are presently on the journey. In fact, you are often on the journey for much longer than the time spent at the destination.

So why not make enjoying the journey an objective? It might just be that when you put more joy back into your daily work, that achieving your goals also become much easier.

Take for example when you go on a weekend holiday. You book a nice destination, you plan your trip and finally, the Friday afternoon you get into the car for the trip there. You can’t wait for the weekend to start, but you’re stuck in the traffic! Soon the mood changes, and it’s not long before a minor war breaks out between the family members. The trip is turning into hell.

What if you planned your weekend differently, so that the holiday starts when you leave your front gate. The journey should be part of the joy of a holiday and all it takes is for you to decide to count the travel time as part of your enjoyment.

The same applies to your business. When you use this advice, you’ll not only enjoy achieving your goals but you’ll more and more bring joy back to your daily work!

Enjoy the journey, not only the destination.

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